Seen by a tourist on holiday but afterwards nowhere to find. She was a hard one to find. When we went to collect Jimmie, Jemma was nowhere to be seen. When we walked back to our car she was sitting at the side of the road. It was like she waiting for us, so special. Jemma also needed an eye removing surgery and an eyelash correction. Jemma is a very very gentle and calm girl. She will come to you and ask you to pet her, believe me your heart will melt. We noticed that Jemma had some respiratory problems. Röntgen shows that she has a lung condition BUT with the medication she is on now (half of a tablet daily) her lungs are improving and her respiratory problem is slowly fading. We can’t tell yet if she need this medicine for life. Jemma is like a cherry on the cake, you will feel so lucky when you have her in your home.
Name: Jemma
Date of birth: 15-2-2022
Gender: Female
Type / color: Mix / Grey/white/brown.
Size: Normal
Health : Blind, lung patient but very good under control with medication
Character : Very sweet and gentle
Country of origin: Turkey

Still in country of origin : Yes
Castrated: Yes
Chipped : Yes
Outdoor space required: No, indoor or enclosed garden / balcony
Can be used with children: Yes, from 10 year
Can be used with other cats: Yes
Does need to be around other cats : No
Can be mixed with dogs: Unknown
Adoption fee asked: Yes
Ready for travel: No, (91 days needed before ready for leaving the country)
Our cats are given out in an adequately fitting means of transport this is paid by the adopter, we pass on the purchase price. All adopters pay the transportation / flight and procedures if not already been done.
The adopter must write the chip in his or her own name after adoption and adapt the data.